2d Barcode Drivers License Scanner

2d Barcode Drivers License Scanner

  1. Driver's License 2d Barcode Generator
  2. Driver's License Barcode Format

Driver's License 2d Barcode Generator

Apr 26, 2016  The solution works by holding your driver’s license 2D barcode up to the laser scanner which will then populate the individual form fields. The 2D barcode scanner reads the information lightning fast; blink and it has input your information to the correct form fields.

2d Barcode Drivers License Scanner

Driver's License Barcode Format

Parsing capability is available with Honeywell 1900/1902, Datalogic GD4430, Zebra DS6708 Bar Code Scanners.
Does your bar code scanner read a driver license with one pass or does it take multiple passes? US retailers who sell regulated goods such as alcohol, lottery tickets and tobacco must follow local, state, and federal requirements to accurately verify customers’ age and identity. Datalogic, Honeywell, and Symbol Motorola offer multiple bar code readers capable of reading PDF417 bar codes commonly found on IDs that can automate the age verification process, so that retailers can more effectively comply with government regulations.
Reading and sending the data found from bar codes on Government issued identification cards (including most state driver licenses) to the point-of-sale quickly verifies and assures the customer’s legal age. This verification process protects the retailer from fines or potential loss of license when selling age-restricted goods. Using a scanner and POS host system toverify ID or age removes the burden of the decision-making process from the cashier andeliminates the need for separate “verification only” equipment.
Using a bar code reader for age verification reduces manual data entry, increases efficiency at the point-of-sale and prevents errors in the sale of controlled items such as alcohol and tobacco.
Top Ten Reasons Retailers Upgrade to Area-Imagers (.pdf 250KB)